Saturday, June 28, 2008


Hello all,
I am well in Koper...well enough. The heat has been the main issue and has really put a damper on my sociability. It is hard to be chatty when you are literally drenched in (your own) sweat. The good news? Today was slightly, slightly less blazing. Is it any wonder why Koper's coat of arms features the sun?

See the evil face and ominously writhing rays of light...clearly a reference to Azathoth. The Old Town is small enough to get anywhere in a few minutes. Which is also just long enough to wither under the unyielding sun. Did I mention how hot it is?

Slovenia has a "café-culture" and Koper is a perfect specimen of this. My wife likes sitting around café's for hours people-watching and enjoying the odd beverage. I, on the other hand, do not enjoy this particular past time. If you are people watching...that means people are watching YOU too! Hundreds, nay, thousands of distant eyes groping across your visage, scouring your countenance, peering into your very soul! EEEK!

But what to drink at on of these establishments? Coffee-based products? Too hot for coffee. Hmm, perhaps an alcoholic beverage? Alcohol is freely available (less so than in Venice I have noted, though)...and ounce for ounce (or deciliter, if you will) beer is the cheapest drink around. a .25 L bottle of Orangina or COCKTA can cost up-wards to 1.5 € while a huge bottle of beer...oh say .50 L bottle costs at most 2.5 € see the ...hiccup...savings!

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